Anim'animus (Nl)

Anim'animus is a young balfolk initiative by two musicians, inspired by music from all around the world and conveying that passion to the dancefloor. As a band, they go out there and try to show everyone what music and dancing means to them. They play only music that they have written themselves, so it represents them the most.
Beschikbaar voor optredens: Onbekend
Wanneer heeft Anim'animus (Nl) vroeger gespeeld:
- 2013-10-19 Balfolk Utrecht
- 2013-07-12 Zomerbal Zuidoost
- 2013-04-23 Bal Faux Pas (Fout Bal) + Verjaardag
- 2013-03-26 Laatste dansavond Balfolk Zeist
- 2013-02-09 Balfolk Enschede